Intangible values
Intangible values of Lights: Freedom, Love, Courage, Peace, Hope, etc.
Intangible values of Darks: slavery, hatred, fear, war, despondency, etc.
Intangible values of Lights: Freedom, Love, Courage, Peace, Hope, etc.
Intangible values of Darks: slavery, hatred, fear, war, despondency, etc.
The Homeland (creators: Alex Gansa, Howard Gordon) is a thought-provoking high-end TV-series.
The keyword in it – LOYALTY.
A key phrase in the movie Scarface (1983), by director Brian De Palma, is a Spiritual choice towards Light.
The main protagonist, Tony Montana, immigrates from Cuba, the limited opportunities country, to the USA, the land with the more significant potential for survival.
White Palace (1990) is a highly entertaining and thought-provoking movie.
A key-phrase in this film is life’s purpose.
Max is a mature soul. He takes care of his mom, working hard, neat, and well organized.
The Fearless (1993), director Peter Weir, is a high-end Spiritual movie, and the keyword is Compassion.
The main protagonist, Max, faces a Spiritual Choice.
This experience, decisive for his fate, takes place during an airplane crash.
The keyword in the movie Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014), director Matt Reeves is duality.
Duality is a component of low consciousness, where spiritual beings divide the World into two different parts – BLACK and WHITE, GOOD and BAD, WE and THEY, etc.
This is a review on Spiritual in the movie Molly’s Game (2017), director Aaron Sorkin.
Some of us came to Earth for the very last time, for the very last test.
Sometimes the mission of these mature souls is to identify their imperfection and solve it.
There are several keywords in the movie Django Unchained (2012), director Quentin Tarantino.
All of them belong to the main protagonist Django. The words are:
A keyword in the TV-series “Game of Thrones”, Creators David Benioff, D.B. Weiss is COURAGE.
The world described here is on a dense planet with a very low collective consciousness. The lifestyle and mindset are close to the Dark Ages in European history on our Earth.