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redemption novel

Spiritual Choice

Spiritual Choice vs Daily Choice. Part II

Let’s look at the next criterion, such as the Consequences of a Choice for the individual. The effect of a Spiritual Choice on the inner vibrations of a human is more than significant. In the case of a Choice toward Light, a spiritual entity can remarkably upgrade its inner world by higher vibrations of Light. The amplitude of inner vibrations will dramatically increase, providing an… Read More »Spiritual Choice vs Daily Choice. Part II

Ann and Rob

Redemption. Excerpt One

Introduction of Redemption novel Although Jacklyn A. Lo’s novel Redemption is very entertaining, it’s also an excellent source of serious metaphysics. The main hero in the novel is a corporate executive Ann, who lives in Chicago 2045 and works for Artificial Interĺlegent International. AI pal Rob, whom she designed, appears to be very handy in recognizing of a hidden mystery of Ann’s past and coming… Read More »Redemption. Excerpt One