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Spiritual Choice

Spiritual Choice vs Daily Choice. Part I

To better understand what Spiritual Choice is, let’s compare it to other choices such as daily choices and decision-making. Energy Potential of Choices Spiritual Choice is programmed into the script of a person’s life even before his/her physical birth. It is designed so that the Spiritual Choice always has a higher energy potential than a person himself. A high energy potential is needed so that… Read More »Spiritual Choice vs Daily Choice. Part I

Grigory Rasputin – Light or Dark? Part II

  In this part, we shall cover the rest of the values/qualities of the Dark Ones and will compare them with those that Grigory Rasputin had. 5. Atheism vs Faith Grigory not only had Faith but also knew that God exists. His prayers were distinguished by sincerity and lack of copying. He spoke to God without servility, in his own words, as with a close friend: … Read More »Grigory Rasputin – Light or Dark? Part II