Working on my screenplay “The Tsar’s Choice” I went through lots of materials regarding such a controversial figure as Grigory Rasputin.
Although I had and have my personal opinion regarding who was Rasputin, I would like to enlighten my readers about this remarkable man by analyzing a set of his personal values and qualities.
Spiritual entity towards Darkness or Light?
So, who was Grigory Rasputin – a spiritual entity moving towards Darkness1 or Lightness2?
Since any analysis is based on assumptions, let’s assume that Grigory Rasputin was a representative of the Darks, and make a list of evidence for this.
For this purpose, we shall write down the values of Darks on the left side of the table and as a comparison the qualities and values of Grigory on the right.

Values of Darks Vs. G. Rasputin
Let’s go through each quality and value.
1. Craving for War vs Pacifism
The thirst for war is the main “symptom” that a spiritual being is moving into Darkness. But Grigory was a pacifist even in the most unfavorable times for this. “By this war, you won’t save but destroy the Empire… Don’t let the fools triumph, don’t let them push themselves and all of us into the abyss! Don’t let them do it! Do not join this war, not invented by you!“ SPACE

G. Rasputin in the Tyumen hospital, 1914
Unfortunately, at the time Nikolai made the decision to mobilize the Russian troops, Grigory was in a serious condition after the assassination attempt on him by Khioniya Guseva and could not personally discuss it with the tsar. sending him warning telegrams daily. However, with the outbreak of WWI Grigory still continued to talk about peace, putting himself at great risk. Since Grigory was a true pacifist, he does not fit into the pool of Darks. 2. Hatred vs Love
The brutal energies of Dark Souls do not allow them either to love or talk about love, but Grigory loves all alive beings and enjoys talking about love.
He was capable to experience Unconditional love, which is almost impossible to meet whether 100 years ago or nowadays in the dense reality of the Earth.
Grigory spoke of love as the highest Christian virtue: “Love is light, and there is no end to it, but the light will not go out and the love of the Gospel will not get tired.” and “Prophecy will cease and knowledge will be silenced, but love never!“ 3 Any person who is able to express himself in this way can not be DARK. 3. Indifference to People vs. Compassion
Guided by dry calculation and resentment towards others, the Dark Ones develop in their souls such qualities as indifference and selfishness.
Unlike them, Grigory sympathized with people and expressed sympathy, not for his own benefit, but because he felt that all people were brothers by spirit.
Grigory sought to help everyone who came to him, whether in St. Petersburg or in his native village of Pokrovskoye: “Everyone who comes to me is dear to me… People should live hand in hand, helping each other.“ SPACE

Grigory in Pokrovskoe village
And Rasputin helped people, especially those with low social status, both in words and deeds: “Dear generals, you are used to being received first. But there are also disenfranchised Jews – first I have to help them.”4 He sympathized with all people, especially those who are in despair. For example, this is what he said about imprisonment: “Everyone, even the evilest, experiences moments when his soul is lifted up and cleansed by terrible torments – in these moments we must stretch out a hand to save him before he dies in grief and despair...” 4. IIndifference vs. Adoration of Nature
Gregory adored animals, especially horses. Since he was gifted with healing abilities from early childhood, he helped animals and treated them when they fell ill. His attitude to the fact that “everything around us is alive” and his worship for nature is a direct sign of the Light, not Darkness. Therefore, according to the adoration of Nature, Grigory does not belong to the World of Darks.
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