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Elina: As If I Wasn’t There (2002). Metaphysical Review

Elina: As If I Wasn't There (2002)

Metaphysical review Jacklyn A. Lo for the film Elina: As If I Wasn’t There (2002).

Original title: Elina – Som om jag inte fanns.
This is a very exciting film with metaphysical elements where the main character – a little girl confronts an adult authoritarian woman who is fit for her grandmother.

Mature Soul

The protagonist Elina is a school-age girl with a mature soul that has great energetic and spiritual potential.

Following the plot we recognize that Elina has not only Courage but also Compassion (the episode with Finnish-speaking boy Anton).

On top of that in spite of all difficult circumstances, she is a fighter for Justice, her own Human Rights, and the rights of others.

As Courage, Compassion, Justice, and Human Rights are the main intangible Values of Light, Elina is a spiritual being moving toward the direction of Light.

She also has a high sensitivity to reality beyond the physical world which proves her high Spiritual Potential.

Absolute Power

The antagonist of Elina is her teacher Tora Holm, a conservative and authoritarian administrator.

The main value for her is absolute social power based on what she believes in her rightness.

That principle she spread not only over school children but also to Einar Björk, the new teacher, who sees things differently than she does.

Spiritual Direction 

From a spiritual point of view, Tora has an above-average energetic potential in her soul (she is an administrator and a teacher).
But, what is her Spiritual Direction?
Through the film, we see that she humiliates the poor and those who have a lower social status (such as Finns).

She is also indifferent to their suffering, for example, she deprives Anton and Elina of dinner.
She clearly enjoys her own social power ( the episode of giving or not giving charitable boots to Elina), ignoring the girl’s positive intentions, etc.

All these actions are signs of the presence of heavy brutal energies in her soul and the movement of her soul toward Darkness.

Elina’s and Tora’s battle

At first glance, the energy capabilities of these two characters are equal, but it turns out that the girl is still stronger.
In fact, Elina is ready to sacrifice her own life, but not give up the Values of Light¹ that she followed.
Moreover, Elina receives additional strength from the collective will of all the schoolchildren who joined her protest.

Under these circumstances, Tora finally finds herself in a “No Choice” situation and is forced to accept her defeat and subsequent Change.

Some Thoughts

It would be useful to add visibility to this change in Tora – for example, she changes her red suit for a less authoritarian dress and, for example, shows her sitting at lunch at the same table with schoolchildren.

Unfortunately, the film ends without showing us the inner transformation of the Tora. That would be the most interesting part.

Will she continue her journey into Darkness, hiding her cruelty like a wolf in sheep’s clothing? Or perhaps this unwanted Change gave her a chance to turn to the Light and begin the process of enlightenment? Or maybe she will give up her school career and retire, i.e. will choose the direction of Degradation?


Elina: As If I Wasn’t There( 2002)” by director: Klaus Härö and scriptwriter Kjell Sundstedt is a fascinating film with spiritual elements and highly recommended to watch by the whole family.



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