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FRG Worldwide OY services - metaphysics

Why War? Summary / Part D

Everything is in our hands – thanks to Free Will            ― Jacklyn A. Lo Support for Creative Writers We have to admit that in most developed countries the popularity of religious institutions is rapidly declining. Therefore, people have to look for answers to their inner questions in alternative sources of information, that is, in books and films.  It takes at least… Read More »Why War? Summary / Part D

Spiritual Choice - Degradation

What is the Spiritual Choice of Degradation?

Degradation is the worst case of Spiritual Choice. The main reason for the Spiritual Choice of Degradation is the inability or unwillingness of a person to work, i.e. make money or goods on his own. Usually, such people choose a parasitic way of life. They take advantage of the kindness or compliance of their immediate environment, such as family members who provide them with housing,… Read More »What is the Spiritual Choice of Degradation?

Spiritual Choice

What is the Wrong Spiritual Choice?

  Due to the fact that we have been given Free Will, we have every right to make not only the Spiritual Choice of Light but also the Spiritual Choice of Darkness and the Spiritual Choice of Degradation. However, in the Hierarchy of our God, the Spiritual Choice of Darkness or Degradation means the Wrong Spiritual Choice. Spiritual Choice of Darkness Let’s see what types… Read More »What is the Wrong Spiritual Choice?

Consciousness: Artist vs. Lawyer

Why War? Summary / Part A

SPACE What Spiritual Choice do you think Volodymyr  Zelenskyy would have made on February 24 of 2022 if twenty years ago he had gone to work as a lawyer whom he studied for? Most probably his Spiritual Choice would be different, so our present moment would be different, and the future of humanity would be not the same. Creativity We must recognize that Creativity is of much greater value than Logic or Analysis, and Artists* have the… Read More »Why War? Summary / Part A

Cartoon Titanic Pu @ V. Kazanevsky

Why War? Part X

History is not made by leaders, but by their Choice  –  Jacklyn A. Lo                                                                      SPACE We must recognize that everything begins in the metaphysical realm, where our intentions are born, turning into… Read More »Why War? Part X

A woman walks outside the maternity hospital in Mariupol

Why War? Part IX /A

 “By their fruit, you will recognize them”     – Holy Bible   The current President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin received political power in 2000. By abusing his authority, he amends Yeltsin’s constitution, allowing himself to remain in power until today with a lifetime perspective.     The less you know… To understand who Putin is from a metaphysical point of view, we must conduct a thorough check,… Read More »Why War? Part IX /A

A photo of Nicholas II family with Grigori Rasputin.

Grigory Rasputin – Light or Dark? Part III (B)

Was Grigory tied to Money? In his book “RASPUTIN: The Memoirs of his Secretary”  Aron Simonovich wrote that Grigory had a very good chance of getting rich, but he never had a monetary goal. Having received some money from representatives of high society, ministers, and businessmen, Grigory immediately spent it on the poor who came to him for help. Since Rasputin was not attached to… Read More »Grigory Rasputin – Light or Dark? Part III (B)

Grigory Rasputin – Light or Dark? Part III (A)

  Very often, Grigory Rasputin was accused of drunkenness, debauchery, and even venality.   To get to the bottom of the truth, we must understand why alcohol, sex, and money exist in the human world.  Satan’s Tools We must recognize that alcohol, sex, money, and so on are neither values nor qualities of Darkness, but effective tools of Satan to tempt and test a human soul. The main goal of Satan is to make a… Read More »Grigory Rasputin – Light or Dark? Part III (A)